> Seeking guidance from the Gospels, Catholic social and environmental teachings and CSA justice statements
> Educating ourselves and others about justice
> Engaging in action for the common good
Approved: November 13, 2018
At their November meeting the Justice, Peace, and
Integrity of Creation committee adopted a new mission statement which was subsequently
approved by the general council. The
committee has acted on its goal to care for water in several ways:
· Through a PowerPoint presentation to sisters and
associates highlighting the negative impact that large cattle farms are having
on the nutrition of our food and the availability of clean water, which in turn
harms human life
· Sending a letter to the EPA objecting to the
roll back of its protections for clean water and asking them to regulate large
cattle farms
· Writing to state and federal legislators asking
them to provide the necessary funding for agencies entrusted with protecting
our water; to require polluters pay for cleanup rather than having taxpayers
pay or passing costs on to consumer; and to be truthful and transparent in
providing information to the public
· Evaluating our own every day usage of water
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