
Nonviolence . . . Human trafficking . . . Women . . . . The elderly . . . Immigrants' rights . . . Housing. . . Children . . . Prisoners' rights . . . Health care . . . World Hunger . . . Globalization, as it affects Latin America . . . Care of the earth . . . Seamless ethic of life

Note: The ideas and opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author's and should not be ascribed to the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes or its members.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Tell the Administration:
Don't Take Food from kids and Families

Submit Your Comment Today!

Our faith clearly calls us to feed the hungry. Last year, we worked with Congress to reject cuts to SNAP, our nation's most important food assistance program. NETWORK members helped secure the passage of the bipartisan 2018 Farm Bill, a rare bipartisan success in the 115th Congress. 
Now, food assistance is at risk--again. The Trump administration proposed a back-door rule change to implement another SNAP benefits cut, one previously rejected by Congress. Oppose this rule by submitting a public comment.
Currently, states can extend SNAP eligibility to low-income families with modest savings and working households if they also have significant expenses for shelter and child care. The new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposal would eliminate this ability for states to broaden their SNAP eligibility. 
The USDA proposal would eliminate SNAP benefits for 3.1 million individuals, take free school meals away from the children in those families, and punish people with even meager savings. This USDA rulemaking is an attempt to side step Congress and is outside USDA's authority.
We need your help, once again, to prevent this rule from going into effect!
Public comments on the rule are due by September 23. We need to generate a lot of comments to demonstrate our serious opposition. I have written a sample comment for you to use, but it is important that you take the time to personalize your comment. Try to change or add at least 1/3 of the language so that your comment counts as a unique submission. Prompts for how to personalize your comment are included throughout the sample comment.
If you have any questions, feel free to email NETWORK.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Urge Congress Use the Power of the Purse to Pressure DHS to Care for Immigrants

The Sisters of St. Agnes add our voice to NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice calling on Congress to end the inhumanity of the US current treatment of refugees and immigrants.

Inspired by the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching, we honor the dignity of every person. As Pope Francis said: “These are not mere social or migrant issues… Migrants are first of all human persons.” We affirm the sacred human right of all people to seek asylum.

Reduce Funding for Deportation, Detention, and Border Militarization and Support Funding for Refugee Resettlement and Asylum
When determining federal appropriations for FY 2020, we urge Congress to reduce funds for CBP and ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations. Refuse to provide any additional funding for a border wall; instead allocate resources to support refugee resettlement and access to asylum.

Keep Families Together and Invest in Alternatives to Detention
We call for an end to family detention this year, by December 2019, and urge Congress to increase funding for less costly, more efficient, community-based alternatives to detention.

Exert Robust Oversight over Detention and Uses of Federal Funding
We urge Congress to require additional inspections of ICE facilities, ensure ICE publishes public weekly reports, and create a detention ombudsperson to strengthen oversight. Congress should also prohibit federal funds from being used to: enforce Muslim or refugee bans, deport or detain DACA, TPS, or DED holders, and carry out immigration enforcement operations at “sensitive” locations including schools, churches, and hospitals.

Friday, August 9, 2019

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

“Today, August 9th, honors the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. We celebrate this day to raise awareness of the needs of Indigenous peoples worldwide, in recognition of the first meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations that was held in Geneva 37 years ago, in 1982.

We are living in a time of climate crisis. As a groundbreaking report by the UN recently noted, “the health of ecosystems on which humans and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever.”

Much of the answer to solving this climate crisis lies in the wisdom and knowledge of Indigenous peoples who have long fought at the front lines of environmental threats. Indigenous communities able to draw on traditional wisdom to find solutions that have the potential to help restore our planet. Unfortunately, due to their dependence upon the earth, they are also among the first to face the direct consequences of climate change.”

Friday, August 2, 2019

Tell the Justice Department that Christians Oppose the Death Penalty

Recently Attorney General William Barr directed the Trump Justice Department to bring back the barbaric and ineffective death penalty, and immediately schedule the first five federal executions in 16 years.

There are many reasons why Christians and churches across the country oppose capital punishment: DNA testing proves hundreds of innocent people have been sentenced to die. It is expensive. And the racial disparities within the system are the very height of injustice. Above all, we know that it is simply immoral. Christians are called to forgive, to embrace grace, and quite clearly to follow the command, "You shall not kill."  

Statement from Pope Francis.
“Recourse to the death penalty on the part of legitimate authority, following a fair trial, was long considered an appropriate response to the gravity of certain crimes and an acceptable, albeit extreme, means of safeguarding the common good.
Today, however, there is an increasing awareness that the dignity of the person is not lost even after the commission of very serious crimes.  In addition, a new understanding has emerged of the significance of penal sanctions imposed by the state. 
Lastly, more effective systems of detention have been developed, which ensure the due protection of citizens but, at the same time, do not definitively deprive the guilty of the possibility of redemption.

Consequently, the Church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that “the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person”, and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide”.
Address to Participants in the Meeting organized by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, 11 October 2017: L’Osservatore Romano, 13 October 2017.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Secure and Protect Act of 2019

Please join Church World Service in opposing  S.1494, the so-called “Secure and Protect Act of 2019,” introduced by Senator Lindsey Graham. This bill would eliminate protections for children and victims of human trafficking, dismantle the U.S. asylum system, and further reduce refugee admissions. S.1494 so that people seeking safety are welcomed and protected.

Call Today: Tell Your Senators to Protect Children and Asylum Seekers

Click here to receive a call that connects you to your 2 Senators.

Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [City, State], and [as a person of faith], I urge you to oppose S.1494, the “Secure and Protect Act of 2019.” I call on you to protect refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrant children. The situation at our Southwest border must be treated as a humanitarian crisis, rather than as an immigration enforcement issue. I call on you to reject the “Secure and Protect Act,” which would dismantle protections for unaccompanied children and asylum seekers, returning them to harm. My community welcomes asylum seekers and immigrants, and I urge you to do the same.”
Amplify on Social Media: Share this message with your
Senators & Representatives on social media!

  • [@SENATOR] I call on you to say NO to S.1494 so that people seeking safety are welcomed and protected - especially children. #RiseforRefuge #NORefugeeBans
  • [@SENATOR] I call on you to oppose S.1494 and to be bold in choosing moral and justice policies which provide the vulnerable protection. #RiseforRefuge #NORefugeeBans
CWS's statement opposing this bill is available here. Interfaith talking points are available here

Thank you for taking action - and please share this alert with your networks!
In solidarity,

Oppose Trump Administration’s Latest Attack on Struggling Americans

Once again the Administration is waging an attack against SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), formerly known as food stamps. Modify the suggested language to make it your own comment. The material below “Comment Now” is additional information and analysis regarding the proposal, hunger and poverty in the U.S. 

Let the Administration know that the proposed rule to limit SNAP would increase hunger and poverty in this country, especially for working families with children whose net incomes are below the poverty line, and families and seniors with even a small amount of savings who would be kicked off of SNAP. Comment now!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Tell your governor to be a climate leader.

The Dirty Power Plan replaces an Obama-era rule that would have cut carbon pollution from the electric power sector by 32 percent by 2030. The Trump administration's replacement would slow these cuts, at a time when we need even steeper emissions reductions to avoid the worst impacts of global warming.

Fortunately, states can take the lead when the federal government won't. There's a lot we can do at the state level to slow climate change. In fact, with the stroke of a pen, your governor can start ratcheting down emissions right now.

Tell your governor to take action. Earlier this year, our national research partner Environment America Research & Policy Center released a list of actions governors can take to slow global warming, including: 3 Leading by example by requiring state agencies to use clean sources for their energy needs, adopting and encouraging electric vehicles, and making climate-friendly purchasing decisions.

Setting targets for emissions cuts and electric vehicle expansion in states across the country. Setting strong goals helps focus state agencies and the public on charting a path to a cleaner, greener future.

Incentivizing electric vehicles to make it easier for Americans to replace their gas-burning cars with zero-emission electric vehicles.

Collaborating with neighboring states in regional climate initiatives.
...and more.

From pulling out of the Paris climate agreement to rolling back the federal Clean Power Plan and Clean Cars Standards, the Trump administration has failed to lead in tackling the climate crisis. It's more important than ever that governors across the country pick up the slack.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Vote on American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 H.R. 6

This week, we expect that the House will vote on the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (H.R. 6), a bill that provides a permanent solution for the millions of Dreamers and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients who have been in this country a very long time.

Please take time to call your member of Congress and urge your Representative to pass a clean H.R. 6 bill to recognize and protect the millions of our integral community members without harmful amendments.

Dreamers and TPS recipients were thrown into legal limbo when President Trump canceled their temporary protections. It is long past time for Congress to provide a permanent solution which includes a pathway to citizenship for these community members. When H.R. 6 is brought to a vote, the House should uphold its spirit. We urge Congress to provide a workable pathway to citizenship without amending the bill so that it undermines justice or the safety of other migrants.

Please call and urge your Representative (202) 224-3121 and ask him or her to pass a clean H.R. 6 bill to recognize and protect the millions of our integral community members without harmful amendments.

Suggested Script:

Good morning/afternoon. My name is [NAME]. I’m a constituent and a [CATHOLC SISTER/PERSON OF FAITH]. I am calling to urge Representative [NAME] to vote YES on the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (H.R. 6). We made a promise to protect millions of Dreamers, TPS recipients, and DED holders from detention and deportation. These are people who have built their lives in our communities. It is time for Congress to act on that promise and provide them with a workable pathway to citizenship.
As you consider this legislation, I urge you to reject amendments based in fear and discrimination that erode our principles of restorative justice and equity. Please support a clean American Dream and Promise Act to provide permanent relief to the millions of immigrants who are already an integral part of our society.
Can we count on Representative [NAME] to support a clean American Dream and Promise Act?
Thank you for your time and for your support of the immigrant members of our community.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Support a Repeal of the 2001 AUMF

For the first time in more than 18 years, the House of Representatives could pass legislation that would end the blank check for wars around the world. This is particularly important now that there is talk about possible military engagement with Venezuela and Iran. Below is a simple email to send to your representative.

Your congressional representatives are in their home districts this week. Pay them a visit about any of your concerns.
Send an email to your representative. Tell them that you support a repeal of the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF). Write Congress.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Shepherd of the Hills School Retreat

As a part of their retreat seventh and eighth grade students from Shepherd of the Hills School engage with Sister Ruth in a discussion about leadership

Friday, May 17, 2019

No Executions Anywhere in the United States June 2019!

At the time of this writing

there are no executions scheduled 

anywhere in the United States 

for June 2019.

Let's keep it this way!


Friday, May 10, 2019

Honor Mothers by Acting to Stop Separation of Immigrant Families on Mothers Day - May 12

Join the Interfaith Immigrant Coalition in honoring mothers by acting to stop separation of immigrant families this Mother's Day - May 12.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

VISA: Help stop the next mass shooting

Credit cards are financing mass shootings. More than half of the deadliest shootings in the last decade were financed through credit card purchases. It’s time Visa does something about it. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Take Action for #NoBorderWall and equal protection under the law for the borderlands!

Background: The Trump Administration is mocking the law and the American people. Congress already gave Trump about $3 billion for border walls, but he wants more, so he’s raided about $1 billion from the military and intends to take even more. That money has already been awarded to profiteering border wall construction companies, even though the call for public comments on the project remains open!  

Next, Homeland Security waived 32 laws for new border walls in New Mexico and Arizona, bringing the total number of laws waived under this administration to a whopping 49. 

Please take action and tell them it’s not OK to impose lawless, wasteful walls!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

TWO WEEKS left to save the Clean Water Act

The last chance to comment on a Trump administration proposal that would gut the Clean Water Act is April 15. The proposal, which has no basis in science, would be disastrous for our waterways, removing safeguards from historically protected rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and other waters.
Just as a child with the flu can infect a whole classroom, pollution in these waterways could taint all the waters they connect with, imperiling drinking water sources and endangered species from coast to coast.
Just a few examples:
  • Sixty percent of creeks and streams in California could lose Clean Water Act protection.
  • The Central Closed Basin, a 14,605-square-mile sub-watershed of the Rio Grande, stretching from Albuquerque into Mexico, could lose protection.
  • Irrigation ditches that run for 250 miles along just one creek in the Rogue River watershed could lose protection.
  • Montana’s Big Hole River, home to the last native sustaining population of Arctic Grayling in the lower 48 United States, could lose protection.
Our complete work on this proposal is here.
“It’s vital to the health of our larger rivers that these smaller rivers are protected,” says Wade Fellin, program director of Upper Missouri Waterkeeper.
All our waters deserve protection. Speak up now to preserve the Clean Water Act’s protections for waterways around the country. We are close to 5,000 comments from our supporters. Please share this with a friend and help us get there!
Note: Please personalize your comment by including the reasons why clean water is so important to you and any other concerns you have.

Friday, March 15, 2019

UNANIMA International News from the UN and Around the World

Group working to end homelessness

The second edition from UNANIMA International News from the UN and Around the World is here in English and Spanish.
Want to stay up-to-date on all the action within UNANIMA between newsletters? Following them on Facebook and Twitter!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

February 22 is National Skip the Straw Day

Tomorrow is National Skip the Straw Day. At Environment America, we're celebrating with a pledge to say "no" to single-use plastic products we don't need, starting with the humble plastic drinking straw.
Every individual straw may be small, but straws -- and other single-use plastic products -- have an out-sized impact on the environment. That's why we're skipping the straw this Friday -- and why we think every day should be Skip the Straw Day.
Will you take the pledge to skip the straw, and commit to reducing the amount of single-use plastic in your daily life?
You probably won't use any individual plastic straw for more than a couple of minutes, but once you throw it away, it will stay in the environment for decades, if not centuries. Some plastic products take 450 years to completely break down -- and some may never disappear at all.1
Instead, plastics just break into smaller and smaller pieces. That's bad news for birds, turtles, whales and other ocean wildlife who can then mistake garbage for food. Last year, a sperm whale washed ashore with over 1,000 pieces of plastic in its stomach.2
More than 8 million metric tons of plastic flow into the ocean every year.3 Plastic straws may be convenient, but the planet just can't afford any more disposable plastic "stuff" entering the environment. If you can, quitting straws is a great place to start.
Participate in National Skip the Straw day this year by pledging to say "no" to plastic straws.
As individuals, we can't solve the problem of plastic waste on our own. But each action makes a difference -- by dumping less waste on the planet AND by making bolder changes possible. Whether you swap your plastic straw for a renewable or reusable alternative, or just decide to go without, your choice to cut back on plastic use is important.
Join Environment America and our friends at U.S. PIRG in taking this step towards a future free of plastic pollution. Take the pledge: Say "no" to plastic straws tomorrow, and commit to reduce your use of single use plastic.
Thank you,
Ed Johnson

1. Laura Parker, "We Made Plastic. We Depend On It. Now We're Drowning In It," National Geographic, June 2018.
2. Trevor Nace, "Yet Another Dead Whale Found With Pounds Of Plastic In Its Stomach," Forbes, November 26, 2018.
3. Jenna Jambeck, et al., "Plastic Waste Inputs from Land into the Ocean," Science, February 12, 2015.

Donate today. A cleaner, greener future is within our reach. Your donation today can help us bring the vision we share a little closer to reality.

Environment America, Inc.
1543 Wazee Street, Suite 410, Denver, CO 80202, (303) 801-0581
Federal Advocacy Office: 600 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20003, (202) 683-1250
Member Questions or Requests: 1-800-401-6511.
Facebook | Twitter

Monday, February 11, 2019

Establish background checks through HR 8

Good news.
The House held its first hearing on gun safety reform in eight years. It’s about time.

While President Trump will have you believe there’s a national emergency at the border that requires a “big, beautiful wall” paid for by American taxpayers, the real crisis facing our country is the epidemic of gun violence.
We must take action to reduce gun violence, and establishing universal background checks is a commonsense measure that 90 percent of Americans support. 

While this legislation moves forward in the House, we need to make it clear to the Republican-controlled Senate that this expansion of background checks on all gun sales and most transfers is what the American people want and, more importantly, deserve.

That’s where you come in: will you add your name today to send a strong message to the Senate in support of establishing universal background checks through HR 8?


Friday, February 8, 2019

Nuns, Priests and the Bomb Panel Discussion

Nuns, Priests, and the Bomb is a Helen Young documentary that follows several activists, including 82-year-old Sister Meghan Rice, who risked long jail terms in their efforts to move the world away from the nuclear brink. This film follows two cases: the July 2012 break-in at the site known as America’s “Fort Knox of Uranium” in Oak Ridge, Tennessee and the 2009 Plowshares action at a US naval base near Seattle, Washington. It follows the activists’ legal efforts to justify their actions under international law and highlights the power of their moral conviction. 

The breach in security was the only concern of a congressional hearing that followed the incident at Oak Ridge. International law that prohibits the production of weapons resulting in indiscriminatory casualties was not addressed.  Neither was it in the courts, which prohibited any evidence backing the contention or the motives of the protestors. 

A question that surrounded the trials and stiff sentences for the protestors was also posed to the panel that followed the screening of the film. Does “blind justice” rule out any consideration of the morality behind creating, stockpiling, and updating weapons that could annihilate Earth? The courts said “yes,” as did the lawyer on the panel who himself agreed that nuclear weapons should not exist. He asked if it was possible to maintain any sense of order if the morality of a law or action could be argued in a trial situation.  An audience member suggested that perhaps our justice system needs a “little chaos” to raise awareness about its shortcomings.  

When asked if she thought that their act of civil disobedience had any impact, Sister Meghan said that she did not know, but perhaps its impact was yet to come.  What do you think?  Is it time for another protest action?

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

You can make a public comment on SNAP through April 2.

In spite of SNAP being preserved in the budget by congress, the Administration has proposed a rule that would take away SNAP eligibility for 755,000 unemployed and underemployed adults. That means cutting SNAP food benefits by $15 billion over 10 years. This would make hunger and poverty in this country far worse.  The link enables you to make a public comment through April 2.  A public comment cannot be a cut and paste message.  It must contain about 1/3 of your own words. You can click on proposed a rule to read the rule, then continue below.  The rest of document contains additional information on food assistance.

Monday, February 4, 2019

From The New York Times: End Forced Labor in Immigrant Detention

Here is a another issue to raise when you contact your senators and representatives. The piece is short.
From The New York Times: End Forced Labor in Immigrant Detention
Why is Congress allowing private contractors to exploit detained immigrants?

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Celebrate Community

The public is invited to Celebrate Community on Saturday, February 16, 2019.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Things to Know About DACA Right Now

Attached is an update describing the current DACA reality since the Supreme Court decided not to take DACA up during this term of hearings.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Nuns, The Priests and The Bomb

Dear Friends,
The Nuns, The Priests and The Bombs is the title of film that is being shown on January 31, 7 pm, at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality, St. Norbert Abbey, 1016 N Broadway, De Pere. 
In July 2012 three persons broke into a secured nuclear storage site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, that housed enough uranium to create 10,000 nuclear bombs. It happens that these three were an 82-year-old religious sister and two other peace activists. Trying to advocate for peace through the Plowshares Movement, Sr. Megan Rice and the two peace advocates are chronicled in this film as they share their story.
Following the film there will a panel discussion.  Members of the panel include: Fr. Joseph Mattern, Mr. David Mueller, Mr. James O'Neil, and Sister Ruth Battaglia, CSA
  • Facilitator: Br. Steve Herro, O. Praem.
  • Cost: Tickets available at the door: Adults $7, Students $5, Children (12 and under) $2
  • All proceeds go to the Green Bay Film Festival
  • Registration appreciated.  Open the link, scroll down to Bookings, and fill in the blanks.
Please register for one person at a time. This helps us maintain accurate registration numbers! If you have any questions, please contact the Norbertine Center for Spirituality office at or call 920.337.4315.

Monday, January 21, 2019

A Forward: Tell the Army Corps: The Line 3 tar sands pipeline puts us all at risk.

We've got just four days left on our only chance to officially tell the federal government to protect us from the risks posed by Line 3. Larger than Keystone XL, it's a massive tar sands pipeline that would transport 760,000 barrels of dirty tar sands oil through our communities and waterways every day. Tell the Army Corps to put the brakes on a project that could devastate our fresh water supply and critical Indigenous cultural resources for generations to come.
More than 20,000 Sierra Club supporters stepped up like we haven't seen in a long time to ask that the Army Corps extend the public comment period for Enbridge's Line 3, a massive dirty tar sands pipeline that's larger than Keystone XL.
No word on an extension yet, but with the public comment period closing in only 4 days, we can't wait. We need to submit as many official comments as we can telling the Army Corps not to grant Enbridge one of the few federal permits they need to start construction until adequate environmental review has been done.
Tell the Army Corps: The dirty tar sands Line 3 pipeline puts our water at risk..
Line 3 would transport 760,000 barrels of dirty tar sands oil through our communities every day. It would cross the Mississippi River, northern Minnesota lake country, pristine wild rice lakes, the Lake Superior watershed, Chippewa National Forest, and the Fond du Lac Reservation -- home to the Ojibwe people who have lived in the Great Lakes region since before 800 A.D.
Enbridge, the Canadian company pushing Line 3, has a terrible track record of devastating pipeline spills. Between 1999 and 2010, it was responsible for more than 800 pipeline spills, including the Kalamazoo River disaster which saw 843,000 gallons of toxic tar sands crude dumped into Michigan's waterways -- costing more than a billion dollars in cleanup costs and making local residents sick.
The truth with these hazardous pipelines is it's not a matter of if a pipeline will spill, but when. Tar sands are one of the dirtiest sources of oil on the planet, and when they spill into water they are nearly impossible to clean up. For a massive project like this where so much is at risk, we need a robust environmental review.
Tell the Army Corps: No fast tracked permit for the dirty Line 3 tar sands pipeline.
The Army Corps federal Clean Water Act permit (called a Section 404 permit) is one of the only chances all of us across the country will officially have to weigh in against this massive tar sands pipeline. Because Line 3 puts so many major bodies of water that all of us rely on at risk, the Army Corps shouldn't be rushing this permit..
If we are going to stop the Army Corps from moving forward as planned, we need to show just how many people are on our side. The more of us that step up, the better our chances of fighting back against this dirty tar sands pipeline. 
Tell the Army Corps: put the brakes on the dirty Line 3 tar sands pipeline.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Vatican Publications on Human Trafficking

Vatican releases publication for Catholics combatting trafficking - Please share!
The Migration and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development has released a set of guidelines to help the worldwide Catholic community eradicate human trafficking. The publication, Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking, offers Catholic dioceses, parishes, religious congregations, schools and universities an in-depth reading and comprehension of modern day slavery to serve as much needed encouragement to anti-trafficking ministries.   The publications’ points can be leveraged in homilies, education, and media.
Feel free to share this publication widely!  To facilitate dissemination, please find social media graphics attached and sample twitter and FB posts below.
  • The Vatican’s release of pastoral guidelines for Catholics dedicated to the eradication of human trafficking  is a source of inspiration and support. Don’t wait any longer – download “Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking”.

Firearm Safety Expo

What am I doing at a Firearm Safety Expo? Having consistently opposed the possession of guns, except as needed by government, law enforcement and hunters, I initially felt out of place at an event designed for manufactures to promote gun safety products. 

I was one of five members of Seventh Generation Interfaith, a socially responsible investing group, attending the Firearm Safety Expo at the Milwaukee Area Technical College on January 16, sponsored by Common Ground, Do Not Stand Idly By and several other local groups. As Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele, Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, and Wauwatosa Police Chief Barry Weber spoke, it was clear that the purpose of this gathering of legislators, law enforcement, medical and health leaders and investors was to educate us about the emerging field of firearm-relate safety technologies in hopes of a future of far few suicides, accidental deaths and injuries caused by use or theft of firearms. 

I understood then that in the current political climate around gun control, this is an approach that is already gaining widespread support. The government is the largest purchaser of guns at 40%. Their united support for gun-safety technology, along with support from medical leaders and investors concerned about gun control, can push gun companies to engage in research and development on smart guns and other safety products. This is a good first step. 

Religious communities of women have already gained recognition for their wins on gun safety proposals, notably with a victory in convincing shareholder of American Outdoor Brands, formerly known as Smith & Wesson, to require the company to report on what it’s doing to advance gun safety. 

You never know what you might learn at a firearm safety expo.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

CSA Sisters Lend a Hand at Catholic Charities Respite Center (US Southern Border)

Sisters Clare, Patricia and Julie Ann are at the Catholic
Charities Respite Center at the US southern border.
Day 1

We were hoping to be helpful and we were. I helped to prepare baggies of toiletries, make sandwiches, and pack lunches for refugees to take on the bus. Four bus loads of refugees arrived from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Staff processed the adults while volunteers helped serve soup and salad, provide a change of clothing, a shower, and a mat. I took children by the hand to the dining area and they followed me trustingly. I got so chocked up that I could barely breathe. Children ran out to the yard and played while the parents were processed. Young families, some mothers were breast feeding. A doctor and health care professionals provide limited medical care. People want refugees to be admitted. Workers are needed in farms, restaurants, and hotels. I gave thanks that I am here.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

National Migration Week

Friday, January 11, is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. You are welcome to participate in a prayer service in the chapel at 4:30 pm tomorrow. You can also in pray wherever you are for these intentions. 

This week we have been observing National Migration Week. We know that immigrants are vulnerable to labor and sex trafficking, among other dangers and struggles they face.