Thank you to all justice seekers, peace makers, and
caregivers of creation! As coordinator of the Justice, Peace and
Integrity of Creation office for the Sisters of St Agnes what gives me hope and
fills me with gratitude are the many people, like you, who bring blessings to
our world. May blessings return to you a hundredfold.
After the Thanksgiving holiday there will be a great push in
the senate to pass their tax bill. I encourage you to become educated
about the bill, to decide if you think it is fair, and then to contact your
senators to let them know how you want them to vote. While we are taken
up with the holiday spirit, some legislators will try to hurry a tax bill to
the President’s desk before Christmas. Since taxes affect all of us, it
is worth our while to know what is in the bill before we must live with its consequences
for education, the environment, healthcare, jobs,people in need, the economy
and more.
Being blessed always requires that we become a blessing for
others. Thank you—you are a blessing!
Sister Ruth Battaglia, CSA
Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation Coordinator
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes
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