
Nonviolence . . . Human trafficking . . . Women . . . . The elderly . . . Immigrants' rights . . . Housing. . . Children . . . Prisoners' rights . . . Health care . . . World Hunger . . . Globalization, as it affects Latin America . . . Care of the earth . . . Seamless ethic of life

Note: The ideas and opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author's and should not be ascribed to the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes or its members.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

World Day of Peace

St. Francis began every encounter with these words: “May the Lord give you peace!”  The words were not only on his lips but also in his heart.  His namesake, Pope Francis, also shared a greeting of peace for the 50th anniversary of the World Day of Peace (January 1). This year his message focuses on “Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace.”  As we commemorate the anniversary of the deaths of Sister Maureen Courtney, CSA, and Sister Teresa Rosales, CSA, in 1990 it is fitting that we read and reflect on Pope Francis message and re-commit to nonviolence. 

Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace

La no violencia: un estilo de política para la pazLa no violencia: un estilo de política para la paz 

Prayer Service: The JPIC Office for the Incarnate Word Sisters created a short prayer service for the World Day of Peace, January 1st, based on resources from the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative. Jennifer Reyes Lay kindly shared the resources in both English and Spanish if you would like to use it in your local community. 

Theological Reflection on Peace and Nonviolence: The JPIC Office of the Incarnate Word Sisters’ latest quarterly theological reflection is also on the topic of Peace and Nonviolence in English and Spanish. We are welcome to read it and/or share with your communities or those you serve.
May we all re-commit ourselves in the coming year to be Artisans of Peace, in the words of Pope Francis, and incorporate the practices of nonviolence into our lives and ministries.

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