
Nonviolence . . . Human trafficking . . . Women . . . . The elderly . . . Immigrants' rights . . . Housing. . . Children . . . Prisoners' rights . . . Health care . . . World Hunger . . . Globalization, as it affects Latin America . . . Care of the earth . . . Seamless ethic of life

Note: The ideas and opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author's and should not be ascribed to the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes or its members.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Refugee Crisis

The United States bears a special responsibility to the refugee crisis in Europe because our invasion of Iraq, decision to funnel weapons into the region, and failure, along with other countries, to find a diplomatic solution have helped to fuel the violence. Since the Syrian conflict’s beginnings in 2011, the United States has taken in only about 1,500 Syrian refugees. Even with the Obama administration’s promise to take in at least 10,000 next year, we must do much more. 

Catholic Relief Services relates its efforts to provide humanitarian assistance, translation services and much more. Donations to CRS are urgently needed.
Prayer: Lord God, no one is a stranger to you and no one is ever far from your loving care. In your kindness, watch over refugees and victims of war, those separated from their loved ones, young people who are lost, and those who have left home or who have run away from home. Bring them back safely to the place where they long to be and help us always to show your kindness to strangers and to all in need Grant this through Christ our Lord. (from Catholic Online)

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