
Nonviolence . . . Human trafficking . . . Women . . . . The elderly . . . Immigrants' rights . . . Housing. . . Children . . . Prisoners' rights . . . Health care . . . World Hunger . . . Globalization, as it affects Latin America . . . Care of the earth . . . Seamless ethic of life

Note: The ideas and opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author's and should not be ascribed to the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes or its members.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

TWO WEEKS left to save the Clean Water Act

The last chance to comment on a Trump administration proposal that would gut the Clean Water Act is April 15. The proposal, which has no basis in science, would be disastrous for our waterways, removing safeguards from historically protected rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and other waters.
Just as a child with the flu can infect a whole classroom, pollution in these waterways could taint all the waters they connect with, imperiling drinking water sources and endangered species from coast to coast.
Just a few examples:
  • Sixty percent of creeks and streams in California could lose Clean Water Act protection.
  • The Central Closed Basin, a 14,605-square-mile sub-watershed of the Rio Grande, stretching from Albuquerque into Mexico, could lose protection.
  • Irrigation ditches that run for 250 miles along just one creek in the Rogue River watershed could lose protection.
  • Montana’s Big Hole River, home to the last native sustaining population of Arctic Grayling in the lower 48 United States, could lose protection.
Our complete work on this proposal is here.
“It’s vital to the health of our larger rivers that these smaller rivers are protected,” says Wade Fellin, program director of Upper Missouri Waterkeeper.
All our waters deserve protection. Speak up now to preserve the Clean Water Act’s protections for waterways around the country. We are close to 5,000 comments from our supporters. Please share this with a friend and help us get there!
Note: Please personalize your comment by including the reasons why clean water is so important to you and any other concerns you have.