Video:We've just released a new
video called Ten Ways to Fight Hate that gives 10 principles
to help you safely stand up to the hate that we're seeing across America. The video features Chelsea
Clinton, Bernice A. King, former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, and Susan
Bro, whose daughter Heather Heyer was killed by a white supremacist at last
year's "Unite the Right" rally
I share with you this communication from Richard Cohen, President of Southern Poverty Law Center, which is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice
for the most vulnerable members of society. You can receive SLPC updates
by visiting this link. https://www.splcenter.org/email-signup-tell-us-more. Attached
is a PDF of their document, Ten Ways to Fight Hate.
A year ago this Saturday, hundreds of racists marched through the
streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, leaving death in their wake and a stunned
nation seeking answers and leadership.
Tragically, Heather Heyer, a young woman who stood up to racism,
was killed by a white supremacist. Two law enforcement officers also died while
trying to keep the peace that day.
President Trump equivocated – unable to see the difference between
white supremacists and people like Heather who opposed them. In his view, some
"very fine people" were among the torch-bearing racists chanting
slogans like "Jews will not replace us."
This past weekend, we once again saw the face of hate – this time
in Portland, Oregon, where multiple people were
injured in street fighting provoked by far-right extremists. Next
weekend, white supremacists are planning a rally in our nation's capital.
No one should be surprised. This is Donald Trump's America. These
are the forces he has unleashed.
Rather than try to pull the country together after Charlottesville
– rather than examine the impact of his own rhetoric and actions – Trump has
doubled down on the toxic xenophobia and fearmongering that have fueled his
political life.
...like calling African nations "shithole countries."
...like sowing fear by repeatedly conjuring images of violent Latino
...like closing the doors to asylum seekers and putting their
children in cages.
...like saying immigrants "infest" our country.
...like labeling our free press as the "enemy of the
It's all part of the ugly, destructive ethno-nationalism Trump is
advancing both at home and abroad. White supremacists and anti-democratic
extremists everywhere are cheering their friend in the White House. His words
nourish and energize them.
We all have a responsibility – not simply to speak out but to act. Apathy is not an option.
Over the past year, we've had the honor of representing Susan Bro,
Heather Heyer's mother. I'd like to share her words from Heather's memorial
If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention. ... Find
what's wrong; don't ignore it; don't look the other way. Make it a point to
look at it and say to yourself: "What can I do to make a difference?"
That's how you're going to make my child's death worthwhile. I'd rather have my
child but, by golly, if I got to give her up, then we're going to make it
Thank you for standing with us and Heather's mother against hate
and injustice.
Sincerely yours,
President, Southern Poverty Law Center