
Nonviolence . . . Human trafficking . . . Women . . . . The elderly . . . Immigrants' rights . . . Housing. . . Children . . . Prisoners' rights . . . Health care . . . World Hunger . . . Globalization, as it affects Latin America . . . Care of the earth . . . Seamless ethic of life

Note: The ideas and opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of the author's and should not be ascribed to the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes or its members.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 30 - Human Trafficking Day

Monday, July 30 is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.  The attachedToolkit has a materials for the observance of this day. 

Suggested Intercessions for Prayer: 

For all Catholics, that God inspire them to take action in their local communities to support and protect survivors of human trafficking
For an end to human trafficking, that the dignity of all of God’s children will be protected
For survivors of human trafficking, that they might find the support they need to start a new life
For policy makers in our nation, that God grants them the wisdom to enact laws that provide greater protection for victims and survivors of human trafficking
For perpetrators of slavery, that they repent of their evil ways and turn to God for forgiveness
For our neighbors, coworkers, friends, fellow Christians, and all people, that they may increase in their awareness of the problem of human trafficking and become a voice in the public square calling for its abolition

We have posters and leaflets on trafficking.  Let Susan Ledesma or me know and we will gladly mail them out to you.

Contact Your Senators!







Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Forward on GreenFaith

It is wonderful that so many groups are involved in the work of care of creation! This looks like a great opportunity for anyone wanting to learn more and become involved in the change that must take place to protect the planet and keep it sustainable for generations to come.

In addition to the Sustainable Living Leadership Program descried below, the fall holds an abundance of opportunities to grow awareness of the necessity for behavioral changes. 

September 1 is the World Day of Pray for Care of Creation. 

The following week is the Climate Summit in San Francisco around which worldwide actions are being planned.

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is September 16.

World Water Monitoring Day is on September 18.

September 25 is the third anniversary of the UN’s adoption of Sustainable Development Goals.

The Feast of St. Francis’ in on October 4. 

All great times to raise awareness about the causes and effects of climate change and to recommit to doing our part for change, as small as it may seem. 

GreenFaith logo

For years, GreenFaith has worked to cherish and protect the Earth in recognition of something greater than ourselves. It is with this mission of good stewardship that we invite you on a journey towards sustainable living.
We invite you to join us in Living the Change! Living the Change is a worldwide multi-faith initiative organized by GreenFaith to champion sustainable ways of life for diverse people of faith. 
We represent a globally-connected community of religious and spiritual institutions collaborating with experts in the field of sustainable consumption practices, all of whom are called to make faithful choices for a flourishing world – to live more sustainably and help ensure a 1.5°C future.
We invite you to think about the personal choices that most impact your personal contribution to climate change, and how you can become part of the solution in three high-impact areas: transportation, home energy use, and diet.
Please consider applying for our new Sustainable Living Leadership Program by July 31st. This eight-week online training course will help equip participants to engage their communities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions at levels consistent with a livable future. Learn more about the program and how to apply here.
Then, between October 7-14th, join us in celebrating the first ever Week of Living the Change with local events in faith communities around the world. People from diverse religions and spiritualities will come together to share a plant-based community meal, affirm personal stories of sustainable living, and celebrate together! Learn more about the Week of Living the Change, register your event and apply for funding here.
Join us in walking on Earth gently. In nurturing our shared planet. In treasuring our common home. 
Join us in Living the Change!
In faith,       
Rev. Fletcher Harper           Caroline Bader
Executive Director              Director of Living the Change

101 South 3rd Avenue, # 12 | Highland Park, NJ | 08904 | 732-565-7740 | F: 732-565-7790