As we continue our holiday celebrations this thought, posted by Franciscan Action Network, reminds us of what Christmas is all about. Our justice work makes every day Christmas.
“Want to keep Christ in Christmas?
feed the hungry,
clothe the naked,
forgive the guilty,
welcome the unwanted,
care for the ill,
love your enemies,
and do unto others as you would have done unto
An end of the year message arrived today from Pace e Bene. It’s draws us into the center from which we continue the work of justice, peace and integrity of creation. I offer it for your own pondering.
“Every day is made from joy. Every day is precious. As we continue to move through these times of great incertitude, these are important things to remember, to cherish. Not just every day but every action we make can be filled with precious joy. Joy breeds joy, happiness breeds happiness. It is the joyful thought that can lift the spirits, the joyful face that can light up the darkness, the joyful heart that can change the world. At Pace e Bene Campaign/Nonviolence we teach that true change starts within, becomes manifest in our actions and then becomes a gift that shared with the world makes all things possible. We are grateful for all that we have been able to give and receive this year and look forward to filling the world with joy in this coming year.”
Here is the link to Pace e Bene -- Each day the provide a one or two sentence reflection. It is a must read to the start of my day.
There will be no shortage of issues in 2018 calling for our attention, prayer, and action. Don’t let it overwhelm you. Choose an issue or issues that you are passionate and would like to affect change -- an outcome of knowledge, skill, attitude, value, behavior, activity and make an achievable plan for yourself or your family, then begin.
Blessing of joy and Peace through the New Year!
Sister Ruth Battaglia, CSA
Peace, Integrity of Creation Coordinator
of Sisters of St. Agnes