Call Today: Tell Your Senators to Protect Children and Asylum Seekers
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Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [City, State], and [as a person of faith], I urge you to oppose S.1494, the “Secure and Protect Act of 2019.” I call on you to protect refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrant children. The situation at our Southwest border must be treated as a humanitarian crisis, rather than as an immigration enforcement issue. I call on you to reject the “Secure and Protect Act,” which would dismantle protections for unaccompanied children and asylum seekers, returning them to harm. My community welcomes asylum seekers and immigrants, and I urge you to do the same.”
Amplify on Social Media: Share this message with your Senators & Representatives on social media!
I call on you to say NO to S.1494 so that people seeking safety are
welcomed and protected - especially children. #RiseforRefuge
I call on you to oppose S.1494 and to be bold in choosing moral and
justice policies which provide the vulnerable protection. #RiseforRefuge
Thank you for taking action - and please share this alert with your networks!
In solidarity,