3.5%? Erica Chenoweth, who
studied movements of social change over the last two centuries (listen to her Ted Talk), found that if
3.5% of a population engaged in civil resistance political change was
inevitable. 3.5% turned out to be a “tipping point” for social transformation.
Hence WNPJ has chosen to name its campaign for racial justice in Wisconsin as Racial Justice Tipping Point.
du Lac’s population in 2016 stands at 43,000 (90% White; 10% People of Color).
If 1,230 persons in Fond du Lac were to join WNPJ’s campaign for racial
justice, an inevitable and positive change for people of color in Fond du Lac
could occur. I believe that this “tipping point” can easily be achieved locally
because groups like Ebony Vision, United for Diversity, and the Humanity
Project are already committed at some level.
its statement on Peace and Nonviolence (2002) the Congregation of Sisters of
St. Agnes embraced diversity and committed to eliminate prejudice and
discrimination both locally and globally. Therefore, CSA’s Office of Justice,
Peace and Integrity of Creation will collaborate with WNPJ to reach the 3.5%
“tipping point” in WI and thereby
create an irreversible movement toward racial justice in Wisconsin. You are welcome to join the Campaign!