Treasure Center, photo courtesy Lay Mission Helpers |
Mary and Elizabeth were partners in
One was old, married and barren. The other was young, unmarried,
and a virgin. Both were faithful, fearless, blessed and pregnant with mission.
Pope Francis reminds us that “The Church which ‘goes forth’ is a
community of missionary disciples who take the first step, who are involved and
supportive, who bear fruit and rejoice.”
We, too, are partners in mission. We are old and young, women and
men, sent forth and called back, foreigners and natives. Yet we are all
disciples in and for mission.
Thank you for being a partner in mission. As we look toward the
New Year, we want to harvest the fruit of the 2015 Mission Congress, revive our
partnership for mission, and engage young and old missioners in fruitful
dialogue about the future of mission.
I ask you to consider three things this Christmas:
- How would you give voice to the joy of being a
missioner? Send your reflections to me.
My email address is below.
- If you are able, could you support the work of the
United States Catholic Mission Association? Some members give a percentage of what they receive
from the generosity of their family and benefactors during Christmas. It
is easy to donate on line HERE or send a check. Please note our new address
and please designate the gift Christmas 2015.
- Please pray for one other person who is in mission. If you are young, pray for an older person. If you
are a Maryknoll Missionary pray for a Franciscan. If you are priest, pray
for a sister. Pull out your membership directory and remember one person
in your Christmas prayers. Let them know of your prayers.
I am grateful for the welcome and encouragement I received as I
begin my ministry as Executive Director. I am particularly grateful to Fr. Jack
Nuelle, MS for his embodiment of the missionary heart and his graciousness
during the days of transition.
We pray that you will have a truly blessed Christmas. We, the
USCMA staff, are honored to serve mission by serving you. Thank you!
Together in Mission,
Dr. Donald R. McCrabb
Executive Director
United States Catholic Mission Association